Direct Mail for charities

Jersey Post is proud to support many local initiatives and a popular annual service is the provision of a free direct mail to create awareness and raise funds for local charities or not-for-profit organisations.

We are no longer receiving applications for 2024.

Please click down below to enquire about application for 2025.

Make an enquiry

What we offer

We offer one free promotional mailing delivery, per quarter for local charities and not-for-profit organisations. The free slot can be used by the successful organisation as they wish e.g., to target homes or businesses, by parish, or all Island (which is equivalent to £5,160 per drop). 

What is required by the charity/NPO?

To be eligible, your charity must be registered on the Public Register of the Jersey Charity Commission and/or a Member of the Association of Jersey Charities.

You will need to meet the cost of producing the leaflet or flyer, but the costs involved with sending the mailing will be free of charge to the selected organisation. In addition, Jersey Post will be happy to offer advice on how to produce a compelling and engaging direct mail piece that can maximise results.

To apply for a free space, charities should outline the purpose of the campaign which should cover:

What we need to know in your application

Date of drop

Tell us what date you would be looking to schedule the drop? 

Target audience

Do you want to target homes or businesses? We require 43,055 leaflets for an all-island drop or 2,397 for a business drop. 

Type of mailshot

Do you want to target specific roads, parishes or the whole island? 

Objectives of the mailshot

E.g., membership drive, fundraising initiative with how many/much is hoping to be achieved.

This information can then be sent via email to: or by post to:

Charity Direct Mail Services
Jersey Post Business Team
Postal Headquarters

(No stamp required)

In addition, if charities are unsuccessful in obtaining a free mailing, Jersey Post is pleased to offer a 15% discount on any Direct2Home booking made by a local charity or not-for-profit organisation. Charities wishing to take advantage of this discount offer can contact Jersey Post by emailing or telephoning the team on (01534) 616617.


  • Your charity/NPO cannot apply for a free Direct2home if you have previously received one from Jersey Post in the past 3 years.
  • Your charity/NPO will need to produce and pay for its own leaflets, a total of 43,055 if choosing an all-island residential or 2,937 if choosing a business Direct2home.
  • Leaflets must be delivered to Jersey Post Postal Headquarters 3 working days ahead of the Direct2home delivery date.
  • Direct2home delivery commences on the first working day of the week and is completed over a 5 working day period.
  • Any residue will need to be collected from Jersey Post Postal Headquarters 7 working days following the completion of the Direct2home.
  • Once a Drect2home delivery date is agreed, it is non-transferable and requests for any alteration are unfortunately not possible.
  • The material must not exceed 25g each and be no larger than A4 or smaller than A6 with a total thickness of 20cm.
  • Jersey Post will deliver the material to each accessible residential letter box, unless the occupants have opted out of receiving direct mail.
  • This is not a tracked service and therefore proof of delivery cannot be provided.
  • A proof of your material must be submitted for sign off by Jersey Post before the agreed delivery date.
  • Acknowledgement of Jersey Post on your material is encouraged.
  • We may contact you for marketing/research purposes.

Charity postage discount

Charities that are members of the Association of Jersey Charities can join our postage scheme that provides 5% off stamp prices.

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Helping the local community

We're proud to be at the heart of island life and to support the community to which we deliver. Discover the ways in which we give back to the island.

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