Avoid mail piling up at your doorstep! If you’re away from home for any significant length of time, our mail retention service will keep your mail securely for a maximum of 2 months.
This service is available from £38.50 and you can sign up online today. You'll need to provide proof of identity and address prior to this service being set up.
My Jersey Post
Request and pay for mail retention services through your account.
Make payment with a valid credit or debit card via our self-service portal.
Bring this form, together with the relevant payment, proof of ID (passport, driving licence or bus pass), and a utility bill, bank or credit card statement to any post office.
You can sign up quickly and easily online by setting up a Jersey Post account. Application forms are also available from any post office but the easiest way to sign up is by logging in in with your JPID.
You can return a completed retention or redirection form to any Post Office , together with the required ID and paperwork, in order to pay and complete the application process.
Please note that once you have submitted your online application, you will be required to provide proof of identity and address. Once we have everything we need, it can take up to 10 working days to set up.
Please visit Leaving the Island checklist (gov.je) for more information.
Save money and buy your foreign currency before you leave home. Euros and Dollars are available at any post office or 24/7 from our Broad Street ATM. Alternatively, order online today and we will deliver to your door tomorrow!
Find out moreTo provide our customers with greater convenience and flexibility, redeliveries can be arranged online. Customers also have the option to choose a redelivery to an alternative address or select a more convenient date for your item to be delivered.
Find out more