John Lewis & Partners
Please check for full details of the returns policy. To begin your return, follow the simple steps below:
- Package your return item(s) securely, if you’re reusing the original packaging, please remove, cover or strike through the original barcodes on your address label.
- Request a return through your John Lewis account or visit and enter your order details - choose the Royal Mail option.
- We’ll email you a label to print at home, or a QR code so you can print the label at the return location, which you can then affix to your parcel.
- Drop your parcel off at any of our Post Offices. Remember to request a receipt as proof of postage.
That’s it! Your return is complete, and your package will be delivered to the John Lewis returns centre within 2-5 working day. Please note it can take up to 14 days after returning your order to receive your refund. For more information, visit: John Lewis Returns and Customer Care