Pretty Little Thing
If you need to return items to Pretty Little Thing, it’s never been easier. Simply follow the steps below to send your return:
- Firstly, repack and reseal the items you wish to return, ensuring that you have removed any old address labels from the original Pretty Little Thing packaging.
- To begin your return, visit Pretty Little Thing returns portal here. Important: You must select Jersey as the country and not the UK.
- Enter your order number and a secondary piece of information to verify your order. This could be either your post code, telephone number or email address.
- Select the item(s) you wish to return.
- This will then give you option to select Jersey Post as your returns method. At this stage, you can choose which post office you’d like to drop your package off at.
- You’ll be sent a confirmation email with label attached ready to print. Printing Facilities are available in our Post Offices.
- Attach the label on outside of your parcel.
- Drop your parcel off at any of our Post Offices. Remember to request a receipt as proof of postage.
That’s it! Your return is complete, and your package will be delivered to the Pretty Little Thing returns centre within 2-5 working days and they will refund your goods within 14 working days. To keep an eye on your return, track your item here.
Helpful links:
Pretty Little Thing Returns
Pretty Little Thing Customer Care