Track & trace

Please enter your tracking reference number below. Our track and trace tool can be used to track items sent from Jersey.

Please note that numbers prefixed with UM signify an untracked service and will not return full tracking events.
Tracking Error No tracking information returned. Please check your tracking number and try again.

Enter up to five reference numbers in the format of AA999999999JE, separated by commas.

We need further information to identify your item. Please confirm whether your item was posted in Jersey?

Tracking Results

Carrier Status
{{item.currentStatusText ? item.currentStatusText : 'For detailed tracking information, please visit the carrier website by clicking on their logo to the left, or the ‘visit site’ button below.'}}
{{ getStatus(item.currentStatusCode) }} • {{item.pod.podName}}, {{item.pod.podDate}} {{item.pod.podTime}} Show more — {{}} events Show less
No tracking information available.
Check back soon or contact the carrier {{item.carrier.carrierPhone}}
T. {{item.carrier.carrierPhone}} E. {{item.carrier.carrierEmail}} {{item.carrier.carrierNotes}}
Not a valid tracking number.
Unknown tracking number format.
Carrier Status
Please visit the carrier's website to track this item:
T. {{item.carrier.carrierPhone}} E. {{item.carrier.carrierEmail}} {{item.carrier.carrierNotes}}
Error. Bad tracking request.

Yes, provided that the service used to send the item was a trackable service.

  • We have a Track and Trace tool.
  • Please note that only Jersey Post and Royal Mail reference numbers can be used in the tracker.
  • To track an item sent using a courier service, you should use their website to track your item instead.

The track and trace service available on this website can track any item that has been posted from Jersey to any country in the world, provided that the service used was a trackable service.

If you are trying to track an item being sent to Jersey, you will need to make sure that you are using the tracking service for the postal authority in the country where the item was originally posted. You should also make sure that you have the correct tracking number to hand.

Please note that numbers prefixed with UM signify an untracked service and will not return full tracking events.

Lockers. Although we deliver most parcels in Jersey, there are other courier companies operating on the island who won't have access to your Jersey Post Locker.

To ensure you mail gets delivered to your locker your JPID must be quoted on the delivery address on your parcel.


Pat Clifton Ref. JPACDE123

Your address line 1




 Secure Drop- Only items sent through Jersey Post's network will be delivered to your SecureDrop.

To register for secure drop simply log in to you/sign up to a Jersey Post account

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