Looking for your nearest Post Office or Post Box? We have 13 Post Offices and 128 Post Boxes on the Island.
If you’re looking for Post Office opening times, services provided at a particular Post Office, or information about collection times from your local Post Box, this page will help you to find the information that you are looking for.
Our Customer Care Team are available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday between 8:30am - 5:30pm, from 9am on Wednesday and between 9am-1pm on Saturdays.
Please use the box below to filter the Post Office and Post Box locations. Alternatively, please click on the pins on the map below to find location-specific information.
Currently no updates
Use the box below to filter locations. Click pins on the map to find location-specific details.
Lockers. Although we deliver most parcels in Jersey, there are other courier companies operating on the island who won't have access to your Jersey Post Locker.
To ensure your mail gets delivered to your locker your JPID must be quoted on the delivery address on your parcel.
Pat Clifton Ref. JPACDE123
Your address line 1
Secure Drop- Only items sent through Jersey Post's network will be delivered to your SecureDrop.
To register for secure drop simply log in to you/sign up to a Jersey Post account
Jersey stamps can be used to send an item from Jersey to any country in the world, provided that the correct postage has been added to the package.